There are five components or "core numbers" that make up the foundation of an individual. These are:

1 Life Path number,

2 Date of Birth number,

3 Name number,

4 Soul number

5 Personality number.



Life Path

The life path is simply our purpose in life, the direction we must ultimately take. It is derived by adding our date + month + year of birth and reducing the sum to a single digit or master number and is activated from approximately 36th year, become more powerful around the 42nd year and comes to its full potential around the 46th year onwards. This number represents one’s calling in life and is the signal that the universe gives post the 40's as a direction to take. The prominence of this number viz-a-viz the other numbers impacting one’s life is around 50% and this number along with the “Maturity number", which comes in the 50th year. All the number hence must be looked at with respect to what the message comes out from this number from hence on.

Let’s find out the life path of a date of birth by taking an example of date of birth,

DOB- 15 Sep 1889= 15/09/1889

Date= 15= 1+5=6

Month= 9

Year= 1889= 1+8+8+9=26=8

  •  6 +    9 +       8 = 23 = 5
  • D      M         Y

So, here the life path is 5 (date+month+year)

Let’s now see the effects of different life paths:

Life Path Number 1

Independence: People with life path number 1 often value their independence and freedom, both in their personal and professional lives. They may prefer to work alone rather than in a team, as they like to have control over their own work and decision-making.

Leadership: As natural born leaders, individuals with life path number 1 tend to take charge in situations and are often looked to for guidance or direction. They have a strong sense of vision and can inspire others to follow their lead.

Creativity and innovation: Those with life path number 1 often have a creative and innovative mind, and are not afraid to think outside the box. They may have an entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy creating new things or solving problems in unique ways.

Determination and drive: People with life path number 1 have a strong sense of purpose and are determined to achieve their goals. They have a high level of energy and drive, which they use to propel themselves forward in their pursuits.

Challenges with collaboration: While people with life path number 1 can be great leaders, they may struggle with delegation and collaborating with others. They may feel that their way is the best way, and can have a hard time compromising or working with others who have different ideas or opinions.

Life Path Number 2

People with life path number 2 are typically known for their gentle, supportive, and nurturing personalities. Here are some of the key characteristics of individuals with life path number 2:

Diplomatic and harmonious: People with this life path are often skilled at creating peace and harmony in their relationships and environments. They have a natural ability to see both sides of a situation and can act as a mediator in conflicts.

Cooperative and collaborative: Individuals with life path number 2 thrive in collaborative settings and value working with others towards a common goal. They are often team players and can work well in groups, leveraging the strengths of each team member.

Sensitive and intuitive: People with this life path tend to be highly in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They have strong intuition and can sense when something is off, making them great listeners and empathetic friends.

Supportive and nurturing: Those with life path number 2 have a strong desire to help others and can be very nurturing and supportive. They make great caretakers, therapists, and healers.

Indecisive and dependent: While people with life path number 2 are great at supporting others, they may struggle with making decisions for themselves. They can be indecisive and may rely too heavily on the opinions of others.

Shy and passive: People with this life path may struggle with being assertive and standing up for themselves. They may avoid conflict and can be passive in their approach to life.

Overall, people with life path number 2 are compassionate, kind, and loving individuals who thrive in harmonious and supportive environments.

Life Path Number 3

One of the defining traits of those with a life path number of 3 is their creativity. They often have a natural talent for the arts and enjoy expressing themselves through various creative outlets. Whether it's writing, painting, music, or other forms of artistic expression, they thrive in environments that allow them to use their imagination and bring their ideas to life.

In addition to their creativity, life path 3 individuals are also known for their ability to communicate effectively. They have a gift for storytelling, and their charisma and charm make them excellent public speakers or performers. They are also very social and enjoy being around others, often being the life of the party and the center of attention.

Another hallmark of those with a life path number 3 is their optimism and positive outlook on life. They tend to have a "glass half full" mentality, which allows them to see the best in people and situations. This positive attitude often attracts others to them, as they radiate an infectious energy that inspires those around them.

However, life path 3 individuals may struggle with discipline and focus. Because they have so many interests and talents, they may find it difficult to stick to one thing and may jump from project to project without finishing what they started. They may also struggle with organization and time management, which can hinder their progress in achieving their goals.

Overall, they are creative, expressive, and optimistic individuals who thrive in social environments. While they may struggle with discipline and focus, their natural talents and infectious energy often make them successful in careers that allow them to express themselves creatively.

Life Path Number 4

People born with a Life Path 4 tend to be practical, hardworking, and disciplined individuals. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility and take their commitments seriously. They are detail-oriented and methodical in their approach to work and are often skilled at organizing people and resources. Life Path 4 individuals are also reliable and dependable, making them good employees and trustworthy friends.

These individuals are often drawn to careers that require precision and attention to detail, such as accounting, engineering, or law. They have a natural talent for creating structure and order, which can make them successful managers and leaders.

While they may not be as naturally creative as those with other life path numbers, life path 4 individuals have a practical and resourceful approach to problem-solving. They are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work required to achieve their goals, and they are often skilled at finding solutions to complex problems.

On the downside, life path number 4 individuals can be rigid and inflexible in their thinking. They may have a tendency to get stuck in their ways or become too focused on the details, which can make it difficult for them to see the big picture. They may also struggle with expressing their emotions and connecting with others on a deeper level.

Overall, they are practical, hardworking, and dependable individuals who excel in structured environments. While they may not be as naturally creative or emotionally expressive as those with other life path numbers, their attention to detail and problem-solving skills make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 5

People born with a Life Path 5 tend to be adventurous, free-spirited, and adaptable individuals. They have a natural curiosity about the world and are always seeking new experiences and opportunities. They thrive in situations that allow them to explore and discover, making them natural explorers and travelers.

They have a love of freedom and independence, and they may resist being tied down by routine or structure. They enjoy taking risks and embracing new challenges, making them excellent entrepreneurs and innovators. They are also highly adaptable and can quickly adjust to changes in their environment, making them resilient and able to handle unexpected situations.

They are often drawn to careers that allow them to use their creativity and independence, such as journalism, sales, or the arts. They may also be drawn to careers in travel or tourism, as they enjoy exploring new places and meeting new people.

On the downside, life path 5 individuals may struggle with a lack of focus and commitment. Their love of freedom and new experiences can sometimes lead to impulsiveness or a lack of discipline, making it difficult for them to see projects through to completion. They may also struggle with staying in one place for too long, leading to a sense of restlessness or a lack of direction in their lives.

Overall, those with a life path number of 5 are adventurous, independent, and adaptable individuals who thrive in situations that allow them to explore and discover. While they may struggle with focus and commitment, their love of freedom and creativity make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 6

People born with a Life Path 6 tend to be nurturing, compassionate, and responsible individuals. They have a strong sense of community and are often dedicated to serving others. They enjoy creating a harmonious and peaceful environment for themselves and those around them.

They have a natural talent for providing emotional support and guidance to others. They are often drawn to careers in counseling, social work, or other helping professions. They have a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others and often go out of their way to help those in need.

These individuals also have a strong sense of responsibility and take their obligations and commitments seriously. They are reliable and dependable, making them excellent friends and partners. They have a natural talent for creating a warm and nurturing home environment, making them excellent parents and caregivers.

On the downside, they may struggle with boundary issues and may become too involved in the problems of others. They may also have a tendency to become overly critical or controlling, leading to conflicts in their relationships.

Overall, those with a life path number of 6 are nurturing, responsible, and compassionate individuals who excel in caring for others. While they may struggle with boundary issues and a tendency to become overly critical, their natural talent for providing emotional support and creating a peaceful environment make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 7

People born with a Life Path 7 tend to be analytical, introspective, and intuitive individuals. They have a strong inner drive to seek knowledge and understanding about the world and the human experience. They are often drawn to philosophy, spirituality, and other fields that explore the deeper meaning of life.

They have a natural talent for critical thinking and analysis. They are often skilled at uncovering the hidden meanings and connections in information, making them excellent researchers and investigators. They are also highly intuitive and may have psychic or mediumistic abilities.

These individuals often prefer solitude and quiet reflection, making them excellent writers, artists, or scientists who can work independently. They have a deep curiosity about the world and may be drawn to study subjects that require deep concentration and attention to detail.

On the downside, they may struggle with social situations and may feel uncomfortable in large groups or unfamiliar settings. They may also become overly critical or judgmental of themselves and others, leading to a sense of isolation or loneliness.

Overall, those with a life path number of 7 are analytical, introspective, and intuitive individuals who excel in fields that require deep thought and concentration. While they may struggle with social situations and may become overly critical or judgmental, their natural talent for analysis and introspection make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 8

People born with a Life Path 8 tend to be ambitious, confident, and driven individuals. They have a natural talent for leadership and often have a strong desire for financial success and material abundance. They are often drawn to careers in business, finance, or other fields where they can use their natural talent for management and organization.

They have a strong sense of personal power and may be drawn to positions of authority and influence. They are often skilled negotiators and have a natural talent for strategic planning and problem-solving. They are also highly disciplined and have a strong work ethic, making them excellent at achieving their goals.

These individuals often have a desire for material success and financial security, which may motivate them to work hard and take calculated risks. They are also often philanthropic and may use their financial success to give back to their community or support causes they believe in.

On the downside, life path 8 individuals may struggle with a tendency to become overly focused on material success and may neglect other important areas of their life, such as personal relationships or emotional well-being. They may also become overly controlling or manipulative, leading to conflicts in their personal and professional relationships.

Overall, those with a life path number of 8 are ambitious, confident, and driven individuals who excel in positions of authority and influence. While they may struggle with a tendency to become overly focused on material success and may become controlling or manipulative, their natural talent for leadership and strategic planning make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 9

People born with a Life Path 9 tend to be compassionate, idealistic, and humanitarian individuals. They have a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world and may be drawn to careers in social work, non-profit organizations, or other fields that allow them to serve others.

They have a natural talent for understanding the needs and perspectives of others. They are often compassionate and empathetic, making them excellent listeners and counselors. They have a deep sense of social responsibility and may be drawn to causes that promote equality, justice, and human rights.

These individuals often have a creative and artistic side and may be drawn to fields such as music, literature, or visual arts. They may also be highly spiritual or religious and have a deep connection to a higher power or universal consciousness.

On the downside, they may struggle with a tendency to become overly idealistic or perfectionistic, leading to disappointment or frustration when reality falls short of their expectations. They may also become overly self-sacrificing, neglecting their own needs and well-being in favor of others.

Overall, those with a life path number of 9 are compassionate, idealistic, and humanitarian individuals who excel in careers that allow them to serve others and make a positive difference in the world. While they may struggle with a tendency to become overly idealistic or self-sacrificing, their natural talent for empathy and understanding make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 11

People born with a Life Path 11 tend to be highly intuitive, spiritual, and creative individuals. They have a strong connection to the universe and a deep desire to understand the mysteries of life. They are often drawn to spiritual or mystical practices and may have a strong interest in metaphysical or esoteric subjects.

They have a powerful inner voice that guides them and may experience vivid dreams or psychic insights. They have a natural talent for understanding the deeper meanings and connections in the world and may be drawn to careers in fields such as psychology, counseling, or spirituality.

These individuals often have a strong creative streak and may be drawn to fields such as writing, music, or visual arts. They may also have a desire to inspire others and may be drawn to positions of leadership or public speaking.

On the downside, these individuals may struggle with a tendency to become overly sensitive or overwhelmed by their emotions. They may also struggle with self-doubt and a fear of being misunderstood or not living up to their potential.

Overall, those with a life path number of 11 are intuitive, spiritual, and creative individuals who excel in fields that allow them to explore the deeper meanings and connections in life. While they may struggle with a tendency to become overwhelmed by their emotions or self-doubt, their natural talent for intuition and creativity make them valuable assets in many industries.

Life Path Number 22

People born with a Life Path 22 tend to be ambitious, visionary, and practical individuals. They have a strong desire to make a significant impact on the world and may be drawn to careers in business, politics, or other fields where they can use their natural talent for leadership and organization.

They have a powerful sense of purpose and a vision for how they can make a positive difference in the world. They are often skilled problem-solvers and may have a talent for understanding complex systems or technologies. They are also highly disciplined and have a strong work ethic, making them excellent at achieving their goals.

These individuals often have a desire to create something tangible and may be drawn to fields such as engineering, architecture, or construction. They may also have a strong interest in social or environmental causes and may use their skills and resources to create sustainable solutions or promote social justice.

On the downside, life path 22 individuals may struggle with a tendency to become overly focused on their goals and neglect other important areas of their life, such as personal relationships or emotional well-being. They may also become overly controlling or perfectionistic, leading to conflicts in their personal and professional relationships.

Overall, these people are ambitious, visionary, and practical individuals who excel in positions of authority and influence. While they may struggle with a tendency to become overly focused on their goals and may become controlling or perfectionistic, their natural talent for leadership and problem-solving make them valuable assets in many industries.

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